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Each year we mark the Regatta long weekend by holding the Royal Hobart Regatta and, has been the tradition since its inception, the event includes a Fireworks display.

We understand that Fireworks can present challenges to our beloved four-legged family members so we’ve invested time in collecting some guidance on the very best things you can do to keep animals as safe and happy as possible.

Plan Ahead

It pays to make a plan in advance so you know just what to do when it’s time for the fireworks to begin. When it comes to Fireworks at the Regatta, fireworks are always on the Sunday night of the Regatta around 9:30pm.


Dogs like many other animals have been known to ‘take flight’ when having a reaction to loud noises. Often they may try to runaway which can lead to injuries. In the moment dogs have been recorded as leaping through glass windows or doors, whist circumventing fences that would normally contain them. Once ‘free’ dogs can travel many kilometres from home.

What Can I Do?

Consider the following to help your dog before fireworks:

  • Adjust your exercise regime either moving when it occurs or adding some extra time
  • Plan meal time for before fireworks are meant to occur
  • Stay with your pet during the fireworks (if you can)- but be sure to avoid escessively seeking to reassure them as this can be read as encouragement for anxiety. Encourage, play and reward good/ calm behaviour.

A tired and well nourished is a great start to reducing any undue anxiety.

If your fury friend can be indoors then that’s ideal! You can close blinds/ doors/ windows to create a greater sense of security. If you’re dogs receptive you could even build a comfortable hidining place (crack out the pillow forts!). Masking the sounds of fireworks can also be useful, this can be easily achieved with music or the TV.

If your dog wears a collar rember that in times of panic this could present a choking risk. Avoid tethering your dog if it can be helped – if not, make sure you can see them at all times during fireworks. Leaving a dog alone outside only exasabates thier feelings.

Plan for the worst – ensure your dog is microchipped and that your details are up to date if they do accidentally escape.


Cats should be kept indoors most of the time but especially during fireworks. Naturally great hiders you only need to make sure they have somewhere safe and comportable to plant themselves in.


Wildlife is not immune to fireworks, particularly wild birds. Marsupials may flee onto roads and become injured as a result. If you come across injured wildlife you can call Bonoron Wildlife Rescue on 0447 264 625. You can also call 1800RAPTOR (1800 727 867) for injured or dead birds of prey. 

More Information

The RSPCA is a fantastic resource for all things animal related – RSPCA Knowledgebase.

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