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Royal Hobart Regatta
The Regatta will return 8 to 10 February 2025 in its 187th installment – three thrilling days marking the anniversary since the first Regatta in 1838.
February 8-10 2025✱
February 8-10 2025✱
February 8-10 2025✱
February 8-10 2025✱
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Frequently Asked Questions
When's the next Regatta?
The next Regatta will be the 187th Anniversary and is set to take place from February 8 to 10.
Where is the Regatta?
The Royal Hobart Regatta is held at the ‘Royal Hobart Regatta Grounds’. The grounds are accessed along McVilly Drive on the Queens Domain.
Still not sure? Visit our event map for a more detailed picture.
Can I Park at the Regatta?
Accessible Parking?
Accessible parking is also available to attendees that can provide/ demonstrate a valid accessibility parking permit.
Parking at the Regatta is limited to vehicle no taller than 2.1
Read More Here – Parking Information
Can I bring the four legged members of my family?
We love all members of your family but unfortunately four legged members of the family are not permitted inside the Regatta grounds.
Who can display at the Regatta?
Applications to present/ display at the Regatta will be considered for a multitude of vendors. Interested parties should view or Information for Exhibitors.
Are there fireworks at the Regatta?
Yes! The Sunday night of the Regatta features fireworks for the whole family.
The best location to view our fireworks will be at the Foreshore as they’ve been specifically designed to maximise the viewing for patrons seated in this area.
How much does it cost to go the Regatta?
The Regatta is a completely free event to attend.
How much are rides at the Regatta?
Each ride is run independently and not by the Regatta association; to that end we’re unable to advise on the ticket price.